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Nine years ago today, I stood on the steps of the Old State Capitol in Springfield, Illinois, to announce my candidacy for President of the United States.

I asked you to join me in taking up the unfinished business of perfecting our union -- to work together to build a better future.

Along the way, Americans like you have done that by playing the most important role in our democracy -- the role of citizen. Youve taken on the painstaking work of progress. Youve helped us find that middle ground where real change is won -- change like rescuing our economy from the brink of another Great Depression, protecting our planet, and helping millions of Americans gain health insurance.

Ill be the first to admit that this journey hasnt always been easy, especially when our politics can seem so small. But Im still hopeful that our politics can reflect the basic decency of the American people.

Thats why Im going back to Springfield today -- because fixing our broken politics cannot wait. And I still believe we can do it together.

I hope youll tune in today at 2:30 p.m. Eastern.

President Barack Obama

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我让你跟我一起走了完善我们工会的未竟事业 - 携手合作,共建美好未来。

一路上,像你这样的美国人这样做,是在我们的民主扮演最重要的角色 - 公民的角色。你已经采取了对进步的艰苦细致的工作。您帮助我们发现中间地带,其中真正的变化是赢了 - 改变像又一次大萧条的边缘拯救我们的经济,保护我们的地球,并帮助数以百万计的美国人获得医疗保险。


这就是为什么我今天要去回到斯普林菲尔德 - 因为我们的固定打破政治不能等待。我仍然相信我们可以一起做。





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2016.03.12日 敬文,

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